Fiona Santos
Music Director, Director/Choreographer
Theater and Live Events

All About Me
I work in theater as a music director/conductor, vocal coach, and director/ choreographer. I also travel the world as a director and producer of live events and concerts.
With a sense of the the theatrical and a keen eye for detail, I approach every event as an opportunity to help you put your personal stamp on it. Helping students and clients develop their own voice and style is the most important and fulfilling part of my work!

Fast Facts
The Company I Keep
I am Co-Artistic Director of Broadway Training Center, where I help shape future generations of theater artists.  I also work for the live event division of Alliance Connection. For the past many years, I have been a director for CASA, a grant in which students in underserved NYC schools create and perform their own original works. Since 2000, I have been on the directing team for the US Open Closing Ceremonies. In various entertainment and educational capacities, I have worked for The Walt Disney Company, New York University, 100 Years of Broadway, TADA! Youth Theater, Long Lake Camp for the Arts, and numerous regional theaters. I'm a first generation American, the product of my Filipino photographer father and my Irish RN mother. My most frequent collaborator is my husband, live event and stage director Jason Brantman.
What Exactly I Do
I do some of everything that is theater, music, and event related!  If it has ever needed doing on a production, I have done it. I routinely do costume and prop design and have a long list of vendors who work with me.  I am very handy with a paintbrush and with a needle.  In event production, I have played the role of all the musical artists for the sake of sound checks and technical rehearsals. When a production manager is needed to cross the 'T's and dot the 'I's, I step in. Primarily, though:  I make musicians out of actors by helping them make the most of their vocal instrument, and I create theatrical teams out of the disparate elements of each individual cast, crew, musician, and production member. And if you ever need a conductor on the keys, or an American Songbook or improvisational pianist,  I'm your girl!
My Favorite Things
I love developing new works.  Flying against the old saying, I adore working with children and animals (and I have trained a good amount of both!) Taking regular events and making them exciting for the attendees with careful planning and theatrical flair is one of the most fun things ever.  Helping you find the most meaningful version of your event is the best feeling in the world. Problems exist for us to solve them! Getting a room full of designers, musicians, technicians, and performers and seeing what we can come up with is my idea of heaven. Assisting people in becoming performing artists who create is my cup of tea, with jam and bread.
Are You Being Served?
I have been brought in on numerous projects when the needs weren't initially clear.  Part of what I do is diagnose the requirements of a production, event, or project.  Oftentimes the shape of what you're looking for is only evident after starting the process. "The Process" is my favorite place to work, and each process is unique.  I am delighted to assist with brainstorming, improvisation, finessing, editing, and shaping in scenarios where you're not yet sure of exactly what you're looking for; I can help you see the forest for the trees, and uncover what your project is trying to become!
Get in Touch
Fill out this form to contact me about ideas or projects!